Ivan Zvonkov

Researcher | Geographical Sciences (UMD)
Machine Learning Engineer | NASA Harvest

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Professional Focus

1. Cropland mapping using machine learning and remote sensing data.
2. Scalable crop type data collection using GoPros and computer vision.
3. Machine learning advances for remote sensing data.

Full Bio

I am a Researcher at the University of Maryland Department of Geographical Sciences and a Machine Learning Engineer at NASA Harvest. I work closely with Dr. Catherine Nakalembe and Dr. Hannah Kerner on cropland mapping, scalable data collection, and ML advances for remote sensing data. I completed my master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. My thesis was titled "Usable Machine Learning for Remote Sensing Data". Before that, I worked at a fintech start-up developing machine learning and data science solutions for automating trade finance document processing. I completed a BEng in Software Engineering at the University of Western Ontario.